1.Il feltro superiore pu essere utilizzato come tappetino per i graffi, per incoraggiare le sane abitudini dei gatti a graffiare e per pulire gli artigli, evitando cos↓ che i gatti graffino i mobili.
2.Ruota in base al tocco del vostro micio e continua a ruotare di 360 gradi in entrambe le direzioni, senza l’uso di batterie.
La dimensione misurata a mano, quindi pu avere 1-2 cm di differenza. A causa della differenza tra i diversi monitor, l’immagine potrebbe non riflettere il colore effettivo dell’articolo.
Materiale: plastica
Dimensioni: 6,5 cm * 25 cm
1 X cat toy
J***g –
My cat is very pleased with it.

C***i –
I have two cats. One passes from all the toys and the other doesn't, he liked it very much, he's been playing with the o for 3 weeks, just looking at the Mouse

G***r –
Show! The cat it is immediately pasted to play and not peeling off more! Arrived now! Hi friend!
L***g –
The package is just perfect my cats love it and play all day with!
O***a –
A good toy, cats are played.
Fast shipping.
E***a –
Very good! The cat liked it very much
S***e –
ok rien a dire
M***u –
One of my cats just loves is. Especially mouse’s tail.
A***a –
Cats really like it, they sit playing, they immediately realized what's what

G***r –
Everything is fine but!!!! Bottom big crack!! Most likely bad delivery of Russian mail in general cat is happy
S***a –
Seals toy liked